Jesinta Franklin @jesinta_franklin, the much adored Australian model, ambassador & leader amongst strong & independent women, has just launched a game changing app, Jesinta Frankin Official App - available to download now on Apple and Android. Users will be able to readily access Jesinta’s personal recipes, her current and favourite workouts, her thoughts & industry insights into beauty, fashion, business & style. The truth, transparency, passion & honesty woven into this sophisticated platform is truly refreshing & quite simply brave and brilliant. You can discover. You can learn. You can watch, shop, share & indulge. Feel good about yourself. Feel in control of your life, your style, your career & your body with Jesinta Franklin Official App. Have no regrets, uncover a million opportunities.
Jesinta Franklin, the much adored Australian model, ambassador & leader amongst strong & independent women, has just launched a game changing app, we caught up with her to find out more about her workouts, beauty regime & her take on true success.

"My ideal “off” day would be a nice 40 min coastal walk whilst listening to a podcast or making phone-calls for work."

Congratulations with the launch of your brand new app, Jesinta Franklin Official App. What an incredibly proud moment for you! In a sentence or two, can you summarize what the app is all about & what motivated you to create it?
Thank you! I am super excited for it to launch, I have been working on it for a long time so it’s great to be able to launch it. I was motivated to launch the app to connect with followers in a more meaningful way, with over a billion users on Instagram now, I was finding it harder and harder to connect with everyone that follows me. Now, with my own platform I am able to post everything from workouts to beauty tutorials to behind the scenes pics of fittings, red carpets and photoshoots as well as recipes and other fun things. I’m really excited to have my own platform that I am in control of and I am looking forward to connecting with everyone and sharing more of things that inspire me.
Apps are life these days! What are some examples of apps you use in your day-to-day life?
I have so many apps that service different areas of my life. I love the fact that I can run my entire business from my phone with apps like Shopify, banking apps as well as WhatsApp to communicate with my developers overseas. On a more light hearted note, I can’t live without Deliveroo (food delivery) the Netflix app on my phone and my new favourite photo editing app is RNI Films, it has so many good filters.
The Jesinta Franklin Official App is made up of 4 core categories; Beauty, Fashion, Health & Wellness and Inspo. Out of these four categories, which came most naturally to you in terms of creating content?
I would have to say all 4 categories came pretty naturally which is why I chose these particular ones to launch with. It was easiest to create all of the content for the Health section, as I rarely eat out and make healthy home cooked meals every night for my husband and I, so every time I cook, I write down the recipe. I now have a back log of original recipes from my home kitchen that come from my desire and need to create healthy dinners with minimal time.
Your subscribers will be receiving weekly lists of your personal, at home recipes that are all focused around quick & easy methods and nutrient rich ingredients. What are a few of your most frequent weekly go-to's? And ingredient wise, what do you make sure is ALWAYS in your fridge/pantry.
My weekly go to meals are honey and sesame grilled salmon and blanched greens, chicken & vegetable soup and bone broths. And I never come home from my grocery shop without lots of green leafy vegetables, avocados, banana’s (which I let ripen then I cut up and freeze for smoothies), lemons, good protein like chicken and wild caught salmon, as well as dark chocolate and dried dates.
You're married to an incredibly fit & active athlete who must eat a lot! For women in a similar position, will the app help to cater for both appetites in terms of portions?
All recipes are husband proof ! ;) They are very generous with portion sizes as I am used to cooking for me and my husband who has to eat a lot to fuel all of his training.
Workout wise, we know you're super committed to strength, cardio and core - and you nail it! When it comes to the Jesinta Franklin Official App, are there particular workout types you focus on? Or can we expect to find a little variety?
My goal with the workouts on my app is to provide subscribers with the types of workouts I do every week. Some of the workouts are ones you can do at home, others are gym and weight sessions from my long term personal trainer, Dan Adair and others are quick little 15 min routines I do in my hotel room while travelling and don’t have time for the gym. There are no long videos to watch, just a simple 15 min - 1 hour written workout session which you can favourite and save for another time or take straight to the gym and complete. There is a wide variety of workouts which I have tried and tested over the years. Zero bullshit and just stuff the stuff that works and makes you feel fit and strong.
In terms of your current workout schedule, what are your average weekly workouts looking like?
For years I over trained thinking that was the only way I was going to achieve my fitness goals. What I have learnt is that with the right workouts you don’t have to workout like crazy everyday. Its about quality over quantity and finding balance. So many of us women put some much pressure on ourselves and spend too many hours at the gym. Now that I have found balance I can look back and see I was over training at the gym and wish I had the experience and knowledge I do now, when I was in my late teens and early twenties. So now, my weekly workouts are much more thought out. I do a couple of weight sessions with my PT, Dan. I do 1- 2 boxing sessions and if I have time a pilates session. On the days when I am feeling tired, I listen to my body and go for a nice walk and listen to a podcast.
Onto beauty! A lot of influencers in the beauty space have started sharing more of their truth around skincare, skin maintenance & bouts of breakouts. As your skin is such a big part of your brand, how do you keep your daily glow & keep out the odd spot?
For me, all great beauty looks start with my skin. I like my natural skin to shine through, even when wearing make up, so I make sure I take extra care of myself and ensure that even when I am traveling I stick to a routine which ensures I always feel my best. In my early twenties I really struggled with bad hormonal breakouts, it even got to a point where I wouldn’t leave my house because I was so self conscious about it. I touch on this on my app and also provide my top tips for healthy, glowing skin, from the inside out that came from years and years of struggling with breakouts and trying everything possible to help my skin. I also have recipes for smoothies and juices that are packed with ingredients that make my skin glow, whenever I have a big shoot or red carpet appearance I make sure I incorporate these smoothies or juices in to my day for extra glow!
Women are going to love delving into the Beauty & Fashion categories - especially as you'll be sharing a whole heap of tips, tricks & industry secrets - straight from the mouths of Australia's top creatives! In terms of finding your own personal style (beauty & fashion wise), how did you work out what looked & felt like you?
With so many changing trends hitting us on so many platforms - it can be hard to find a natural balance.
I am so excited to share some of the fun people I have interviewed across the beauty and fashion categories and reveal their industry tips and tricks with everyone. Some will be in the form of Q&A and others will be videos. I am even going to take subscribers to my app for a look at behind the scenes of my fittings and photoshoots. As for my own personal style and approach to beauty, I am looking forward to sharing a more personal side to things. Most things people see on my Instagram or in magazines is for my work, I actually don’t share very much of my personal style or day to day beauty looks. I am very simple when it comes to both of these things, I have a very minimal wardrobe that is sometimes punctuated with the odd “Trendy” fashion item. I have lots of good basics and have invested in well made classic pieces that wont go out of fashion. I am about to start renovations on my walk in robe, so once that’s done I’ll do a wardrobe tour on my app.
What's your daily style? The style that makes you feel the most at ease & the most yourself?
I feel like my everyday style is very different to what I wear for work. Day to day I am quite relaxed and just have a few wardrobe staples which I rotate. I have a minimal yet hardworking personal wardrobe. Invest in classic pieces that are well made and aren’t heavily trend driven. Which is why for work I like to have fun, get creative and not take things too seriously. I try new things which sometimes work and sometimes I look back on and think, what was I thinking. I believe fashion should always be about having fun!
We are so lucky with Instagram as we can literally scroll & "shop the look" in an instant. Features of this kind will be mirrored in Jesinta Franklin Official App which is music to our ears! In terms of the brands, designers and styles you feature on the app - does it specifically follow your style or do you keep it quite varied?
It is going to be quite varied, most things I wear for work are samples from brands for upcoming seasons so they aren’t available immediately. There will be trend reports and also style sessions featured on the app with links to buy the outfits or particular pieces.
Women in business is a huge topic at the moment & it's becoming highly celebrated in Australia and around the world. Taking the leap to design, build & launch your own app is a huge moment. Did you umm & ahh over it for a while - or was it a quick & easy decision?
I actually had this idea about 5 years ago and started workshopping it back then. I put it on the back burner for a long time as I wasn't able to dedicate much time to it but I started back at it about a year and a half ago. The development side of things takes time and there’s a lot of back and forth to get everything exactly how I wanted it. It was a big decision though as it was quite a significant financial investment too with delayed return due to the time it has taken to develop it. I have no investors or backing from anyone beside myself, I saved and every cent that has gone towards this is all my own. This has meant that I am in the drivers seat and every decision comes back to me, I didn’t want someone dictating what I could or couldn’t do. Whilst there’s definitely been more work involved this way, I prefer it as I know that everything falls on me, I am 100% responsible and I own everything outright.
For the girls & women who admire you & your career and lifestyle choices, what is some key advice you've received along the way that you continue to live by today?
As cliched as it might sound, I have always believed that it is so important to stay true to who you are. Do not compromise your core values or morals for anyone or any opportunity. In a time when anyone can make their life appear a certain way on social media, people are even more drawn to authenticity and people living a life true to who they are. I also think a lot of us look at successful individuals in the fashion or entertainment industry and think its all glitz, glam and a rock n roll lifestyle. For some it is, but those people’s careers don’t stand the test of time. I have made lots of personal sacrifices to be able to do what I do and living a life that is public comes responsibilities and also its challenges. Whilst I would never complain, I think some of the younger generation think being “famous” or “noticed” is something to be desired and chased after. Don’t make this your goal, life a full life doing things you love. Surround yourself with good people, have big dreams and work hard.
Top 5 products in your beauty bag right now?
A classic red lipstick - I always keep a red lipstick in my handbag, it's the best way to instantly lift any look, making you feel glamorous.
Olay Total Effects Gentle Day Moisturiser - I fell in love with this affordable product a few years ago and now I use it every morning.
Goop G.Tox Himalayan Scrub Shampoo - I use this on my hair after a big photoshoot when its full of hairspray and product. It gives your hair and scalp a deep clean.
Rose Quartz Face Roller - I love using my roller after I have applied my moisturisers in the morning. Not only does it work the product into your skin it always helps to soothe and de-puff.
Nurse Jamie Lip Exfoliant - When I am super busy and travelling a lot, my lips tend to get dry no matter how much water I drink. I was introduced to this product by a make up artist. It comes with a balm and a silicon exfoliator for you lips, leaving them super smooth.
When you travel, 3 things you'd never fly without in your carry-on?
Pure Lavender essential oil to assist with rest and relaxation whilst flying. It also helps ease my anxiety when I travel. If flying internationally, I decant my favourite moisturisers and cleansers into little containers so I can stick to my skin care regime and land feeling refreshed. And I don’t go anywhere without my AirPods, I love listening to podcasts!
After a rough day at the office & when you feel as though you need a little indulgence, what do you reach for? Choccy, wine, a bath?
All of the above :) And a hug from my husband !
Favourite go-to Spotify playlists or tracks when you're heading off for a high intensity, sweat sesh?
I actually have some playlists set up on my apple music which people can follow. I have workout, chill and relax playlists, as well as some old school tunes . My playlists are in Apple Music under my name.
The Inspo category of Jesinta Franklin Official App, walk us through this category…
The first stage of the category will be different quotes and phrases that inspire me. I have teamed up with my girlfriend, Tatiana, who runs an email subscription called “Thought of the day” which I have been a long time fan of. These little pearls of wisdom will get sent to you via notification, hopefully providing people with a little daily dose of inspiration. The second stage will be a series of video interviews with different women and men I have met whose story has inspired me. The individuals featured will vary from well known faces to young people chasing their dreams, to entrepreneurs and established business men and women, to people with big Instagram followings and some with none. This is something I am really excited about as I have always been passionate about people sharing their stories and even more passionate about sharing the stories that aren’t featured on the front cover of magazines or mainstream media.
In terms of your own lifestyle, who are examples of women that constantly inspire you & why?
I am surrounded by such incredibly strong, hard working and courageous women in my life. From my amazing mum who began a school for my sister and I when we were younger to women I encounter in the industry I work in. I work in a female dominate industry and am inspired everyday by the women I meet, there are too many to list. I read a recent article with Today presenter Brooke Boney and I think she is a powerhouse young indigenous woman who is such a great role model for young Australian’s. I also really admire Julie Bishop, I’ve always seen her as such a strong woman, I admire how authentic, bold and dignified she is.
Instagram wise ... 3 accounts you're loving?
It’s becoming harder and harder to connect with people via instagram now, sometimes I feel like I am aimlessly scrolling through my feed. I have started to condense who I follow so I am just seeing the content that inspires me. I love following travel sites and all my friends and there business endeavours. For style inspiration I love following Rosie Huntington -Whitely. I’ve recently started following Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who is a young congresswoman in New York. Although I am not greatly interested in American Politics, I really admire her passion, I love watching her in in the house of representatives fight for things she believes in. She is extremely courageous and I find that really motivating.
For those looking to sharpen up the definition of their abs, can you clue us into 3 core exercises that are easy to fit in daily & will guarantee an epic burn?
My core burner workout on my app is a killer! My PT Dan put the session together for me and everyone that has done it has commented on how sore their core section is the next day! Which I love because it means it is targeting the right muscles. This workout is made up of planks, Russian twists and mountain climbers.
The few days leading up to swimwear shoot, what are you eating & how you are physically prepping your body?
Back in the day I would have taken a good 4-6 weeks to prepare for a big swimwear runway or photoshoot. Now I am much more relaxed which I think has come with age and also self confidence. I will still make sure I am eating really healthy and maybe add in an extra boxing session a week. Boxing always makes me feel so good, I love the adrenaline and challenge that comes with it. I also make sure I am drinking daily bone broths for my skin, it makes such a big difference to my skin.
On a day where you really CBF getting sweaty, what's your slightly less intense (but still valuable) go-to workout? OR do you let yourself of the hook?
Sometimes I let myself off the hook but I always feel so much better when I’ve done something and got some fresh air. My ideal “off” day would be a nice 40 min coastal walk whilst listening to a podcast or making phone-calls for work.